
Science-based treatment


At Fit and Well Physiotherapy, our Australian physiotherapists accurately assess and diagnose movement problems through our proven 8-step process,

Depending on the actual cause(s) of the problem, returning to your usual activities with our physiotherapy services may include the use of:

  • hands for healing and guiding movement in muscles, joints, nerves and other soft tissues
  • electrotherapy equipment such as ultrasound to speed up healing in the tissues
  • taping, bracing and aids to support joints and muscles or improve muscle activity
  • physiotherapy exercises to regain flexibility, strength, endurance, agility and balance
  • education to enable you to understand the cause(s) and contributing factors to your pain and to avoid activities that would cause further damage
  • recommendations for tools and equipment you can use to boost rehabilitation and function.
  • Back pain
  • Neck, shoulder pain and headache
  • Sports injuries
  • Joint and soft tissue injuries (ligaments and tendons)
  • Posture-related pain
  • Arthritis
  • Chronic pain
  • Musculoskeletal conditions
Physiotherapy Services

Rehabilitation after Joint, Muscle or Bone Surgery

After surgery, the body needs time to heal, but it also needs gradual stress applied to it so that the body heals in a way that makes it as strong and resilient as possible for optimal quality of life afterwards. Getting the appropriate exercises and advice to give the right amount of support and the right amount of load and movement at the right time can make the difference to a excellent result after surgery or a poor one. When you receive our physiotherapy services, an Australian physiotherapist will be watching you perform your activities and movement and then prescribe and monitor your exercise and activity program to ensure you do the exercises correctly at a level that’s suitable for you.

Performance enhancement

Our physiotherapy services include advice, exercise and aids to ensure that you can be your best. You may even find you perform your work and sport more effectively and efficiently that you did before developing pain or injury.

Injury prevention

Knowing which tissues can be affected by activity and how they can be injured, our Australian physiotherapists can provide advice that will enable you to do your work, sport and play with confidence and ease.

Wellness and Ergonomic education

This physiotherapy clinic in Australia can advise you on ways to keep fit and healthy and also provide appropriate exercise programs to optimise your health.

Moving well is key to staying well.  By observing your movement patterns, we can make recommendations to help you function effectively with the least amount of strain on your body.  Being able to offer 1:1 sessions over video or telephone, we can support you even though we are a physiotherapy clinic in Australia and you may be in the northern hemisphere.

Get the Right Approach To Your Problem

By observing the movement patterns you use to perform your work and other activities, we can educate and make suitable recommendations.  Our practical Australian physiotherapist and practice principal insists on finding ways to make pain-relieving activities and exercises do-able.

Hands-On Treatment

We use hands-on treatments to aid healing, restore movement and help you to feel good and look great.

During our online or telephone consultations, we can guide you or a loved one to apply hands-on methods to enable you to get effective relief.  Although this physiotherapy clinic is in Australia, we can provide help and support anywhere in the world through our secure telehealth sessions.

Physiotherapy Clinic In Australia
There are many tools, aids and equipment to help alleviate pain and support you to move more easily. We can advise, fit and/or provide you with the items, skills and knowledge so you can do the things you need and want to do as effectively and efficiently as possible.
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